Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hannah and Luke had a riding lesson today at Barb Taylor's Tack and Field. I love going over to Barb's happy stable where I've been taking Hannah and Luke off and on for several years. I have old pictures of Luke as a tiny tot astride a great big horse, holding his own. He is much more steady on the back of a horse now. We did have an issue with Luke dropping the reins when his horse tried to graze. I explained to him on the way home that dropping the reins is like Omi taking her hands off the steering wheel, which I did to make my point. Hannah has a lot of potential. I love watching her ride. She has no fear and has a natural seat. She has to practice heels down, shoulders back, lower reins, posting, etc. It was a beautiful, sunny, hot, breezy day and I sat in the arena enjoying the kidlets riding all around me. I loved every minute of it.

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