Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baby Ducks

Okay, the mother of the baby ducks is nowhere to be found. Could she be sitting on more eggs somewhere in the swampy area in back of the barn? I suspect she might have liked the whole motherhood thing so much she decided to make more. The six babies wandered into the barn last night looking for food. I explored the entire area around the barn and no mom. I made an "executive decision" to put the babies in a cage to raise them. The other ducks are all around, but still no mom this morning. The babies are quite happy with the bowl of water I gave them and are eating egg layer mash just fine. There is nothing cuter than baby ducks, with those cute little bills and tiny webbed feet. Luke was just asking for baby bunnies the other day, which I couldn't provide, but the ducks gave him a real thrill.

1 comment:

  1. Cute baby and what ahandsome young man you have there Omi!
    Hugs Kim and crew


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