Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Farm Sign Progress

Luke is helping me with the farm sign. Hannah is still resting, trying to build up the energy she lost in Civil Air Patrol Boot Camp. The weather is perfect for painting. So far we have the border stripes painted on one side. Luke is very good at painting straight lines. Have to get my stencils organized. This sign is going to take a bit more time than I planned. I sure hope nobody steals it after all this, but what would they do with a Maggie's Farm sign? Maybe a radical old hippie/Bob Dylan fan would want it? I'll put sturdy chains on it, but I really think it will be okay. All my high-dollar No Hunting signs were torn down by locals who used to hunt my land I think, but this sign would take some doing to carry off. Oh, well, I'll just enjoy painting it and see what happens.

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