Thursday, July 14, 2011

On Deck for Today

The weather looks good for the farmer's market on Saturday. Nothing is more miserable than setting up my store and having a misty rain come in. Soap and wool does not do well in the wetness. I have two bags cut out, but I've been spending a lot of time on the farm sign and running around with the kidlets. They are the easiest kids in the world to have here. Hannah and Luke have books they love to read, and favorite tv shows that luckily I get here. They get their own snacks and tell me when they get hungry. I cook every night, but I think I'm going to let Hannah do some cooking. She used to make eggs for me every morning, but I get up so early, and she likes to sleep late in her trailer, that I'm bringing her breakfast out there. Yesterday we went to Price Chopper to cash in our aluminum cans and get some groceries. We stopped at Panera for lunch, Hannah and Luke's favorite, and got Hannah another book at B&N. It took a big chunk out of the day, which was probably the prettiest day of the summer. It was so cool last night I had to turn the fans off and put on a fleece vest. I sat outside a while and watched the full moon come up with the pink glow of sunset in the opposite sky. Awe-inspiring! I'm going to make a push to get the sign done during this lovely sunny stretch of weather. I made stencils at school and have to get them untangled and organized. If I don't get them just right you-know-who will have something to say about it, as he did last night about my wiggly lines. Matt commented that my sign is painted with Mexican flag colors. That's okay - maybe some passing Mexicans will want to work on my farm. That would be fine with me, since my tall handsome hired man, Loren, has not come around lately. He's working for a couple of other farms and maybe they pay him more, I don't know. If I bash my head on the ceiling of the chicken room one more time Luke and I will just dig it out ourselves. Wish the head bashing would knock some sense into me, but no such luck. The days is a'wasting and I better get busy.

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