Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Luscious Mango

The "Luscious Mango" Matt brought home is not as bad as I feared. I asked him to pick up some paint for my sign before he came home from work. Paint stores are about a half hour from here so I thought I would save a trip. I asked him for a golden yellow, a colonial red (barn-type red) and forest green. He brought me this Luscious Mango, a cherry red and a brighter green than forest. I appreciated his trouble, as he had to wait for it to be mixed, pay for it, etc., but I was a bit disappointed with the colors. Now I think I like this mango. It will show up nicely on the road. Luke loves to paint and is very excited about our farm sign. The weather is perfect for painting - bright, sunny and breezy. I'm hoping to have the sign finished this week, if I can find the stencils I brought home from school.

1 comment:

  1. Thats actually a nice yellow shade! Can't wait to see the masterpiece!
    Kim and crew


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