Friday, June 24, 2011

Musings on the Last Day of School

Ah, the joy of the last day of school. The culmination of a year's worth of effort on behalf of the young ones assigned to me for assistance. I like to think I made a bit of an impression on some of them. Home to the farm for two months. I told Matt I didn't want to hear any snotty remarks about me "not working" over the summer. I consider the Hamilton Farmer's Market as my summer job, and I will work on product for fall shows. I sat in college, full time, for SEVEN YEARS to have the privilege of summers off. Oh, the blood, sweat and tears that took out of me, but it was SO worth. Going to college as an adult is not the party-time it is for young people, but it is extremely meaningful and empowering. I know it made an impression on my kids, who are still going to school, although I think AJ might be finished. Speaking of AJ, he is in Nevada, working full time as the chaplain for the National Guard there, and working as an assistant pastor at an Orthodox church in Las Vegas. He is busier than ever, and sounds very happy. I think he needs a social work degree, as he handles any problem a soldier could possibly have. I was saddened to hear what I already knew - that he gets a call about an attempted suicide at least every other day. Our military is stretched to the limit. Mia is working on her MSN and will have a very full summer. Hannah and Luke are coming July 5 - another month of fun on the farm with pond, waterfall and campfires. I am fixing up my sheep show trailer for Hannah - her own celebrity hideaway away from little brother where she can read and sleep undisturbed. It will be great to stay home and get some work done on the farm. I waved good bye to my dirty kitchen on the way out the door this morning and said I would be back to stay awhile starting tonight. September will be here before I know it, but I'm going to savor every single moment of the summer. Right now, it's clean out my desk drawer for the incoming summer school teacher, then Robin and I are going out to lunch. Coconut shrimp here we come.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy8:11 PM

    Maggie, I look forward to another summer looking on as you farm and watch your grandchildren grow up.

    Regards, Nancy


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