Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Buckets and Buckets

Pouring rain all day. The kitties and my pet chicken stay cozy and dry in their little nook on the milk room steps. I don't have any hay in the barn and will have to let the sheep out to graze, making them soaking wet. I have a shearing date with Jim on Saturday and will have to make sure the sheep are dry by then. The weather report does not look good for the rest of the week, or Saturday. I would hate to miss out on shearing and the farmer's market both. I was hoping to get the remaining sheep shorn. Warm weather and moisture, along with a hot animal, makes the wool felt on the sheep's back. I'll have to figure out what to do quickly. I can't pick up a few bales on the way home with my entire farmer's market booth in the back of my van. I was hoping Stan and son would come to do my hay by now but I'm sure I am way down on the list. A farmer's life is complicated at best. Better get on home and figure it all out. I do my best thinking while I'm driving...

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