Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rainy Day

Can't do much about the weather. Shearing cancelled as the sheep are wet and it's too wet for the farmer's market. I had the help lined up and the meds ready. If I see the sun peaking through the clouds I tend to journey over to Hamilton anyway, just in case the sky clears. Doesn't look like it this morning. The radar is not promising either. A misty, gray market is not a happy market. Sure people still come for their veggies and plants, which thrive in the wetness. Wool and soap don't do well in the rain. I don't like to take out my fabric totes in the dampness. Truth be told I'm loving my free time this morning. I'm on my second cup of cappucino and I have yesterday's NY Times to enjoy. The dogs keep going back to sleep, giving me a reprieve on taking them out. Now that I can't escape to the market, a great way to avoid housework, I will attempt to get some things done around here. I'll clean up the kitchen and maybe treat myself to some sewing. I have a bottle of Patchouli waiting to be turned into soap. I'm going to savor this day and make it count. I checked out Roz Savage's progress rowing across the Indian Ocean solo on She's all alone, in the middle of a big ocean, and I find her upbeat attitude and determination incredibly inspiring. Keep on rowing, no matter what - a good plan.

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