Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Home Stretch

Regular school is over. Regents testing starts today. I still believe what the Sisters told me at the College of St. Elizabeth, my undergraduate school. They said that standardized testing is wrong, that it is not an indicator of what a student is capable of, and the tests are used for political purposes. We have no choice but to administer them, as NY State is still doing Regents testing. I work with the students who receive modifications on testing, like having the questions read to them, scribing for them, etc. Testing goes through next week then I am OFF for the summer. Oh, do I love the cyclical nature of teaching. Just when you think you are at the end of your rope, the year is over and you start again renewed and refreshed after two months off. Hannah and Luke are coming in July so I have a wonderful month with my grandchildren to look forward to. We are hoping to get out to Nevada where AJ is already doing his Army Chaplain thing, helping soldiers and their families, and working at an Orthodox Church in Las Vegas. AJ has a one bedroom apartment in Henderson City and, although he misses his seminary friends, he loves it there. Izzy will be very happy to have his woman home instead of watching her bomb out of the house every morning.

1 comment:

  1. Izzy will be besdie himself with joy and will dance at the sight of his beloved mommy home with him!
    HUGS to all
    Kim and crew


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