Thursday, June 16, 2011

Testing, Testing

Second day of Regents testing down, a few more days to go. I spent four solid hours with one student, about the average time, talking him through a test which is a huge challenge for him. It's very rewarding to see how much they want to pass this test, yet frustrating when they just can't come up with the answers. Writing essays is a Herculean challenge for our kids. I don't believe in testing kids in alternative schools but NY State tells we have to and we comply. The Social Studies teachers stayed very late last night correcting tests. I was done with my pile at 6, but others stayed later. I'm leaving at 5 tonight and will get home at a decent time. I was really worried about my baby ducks yesterday but they were fine. I try to shut off the worry when I'm at work, and sometimes I succeed, but the the creatures are always in the back of my mind.

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