Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Frog Pond Farm

We made our second annual Frog Pond Farm trip today. Robin wanted to take Santana because she had such a fantastic time there last year. Santana is now graduated and a woman of the world. Today was her last day and Robin thought we should take her where she would most enjoy herself. That would be any place that has animals. Frog Pond Farm is located in Bainbride, quite a ride from here, and it took a bit of doing getting the afternoon kids here early so we could leave with enough time. Off we went. Last year we bought Santana some ducks but they ended up in the grandparents freezer. It's a long story. The ducks I brought home last year are fat and sassy and I decided to get them a couple more friends. Santana helped me pick them out and OH are they cute. After visiting with the Frog Pond menagerie we journeyed back to school. Our ducks enjoyed a little fun in the art sink. I don't think they had ever been in water as they ran around dancing, splashing and preening like crazy. The students were loving the entertainment. One of our teachers came in to sex them for me and thinks I have two males and two females. Oh, well, at least they are not all males. I adore the big, white Jemima Puddleducks. Luckily I don't have to worry about them freezing at this time of year.


  1. Sounds wonderful. And I love the photos. The top goat looks like he might posses an academic degree.

  2. He looks like someone at my seminary!

  3. What kind of ducks did you get this time? They are so funny to watch!
    Kim and crew


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