Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Beyond Exhausted

Two more ewes gave birth today including my lovely Lilly who gave me another beautiful white ewe lamb, and a huge black ram lamb, the heaviest lamb I've ever had. He must weigh 15 pounds. I'll weigh him tomorrow. We are still getting all these lambs situated. We enlarged the kindergarten and will let the ewes that I have doubled up in pens out into it tomorrow. The moms are behaving very nicely in the maternity wing. I've been nursing out all the moms who gave birth today, total of 6 I think. Came in from the barn at 11, exhausted but have to go back out and give Prince William the sweater I just found. I took his sweater off to give to Lilly's baby and now feel guilty. Took more pictures will post them soon. I am dead to the world.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking of you all day Maggie, wondering how you are making out, I can relate as I remember not sleeping for a week at a time, just coming in from the barn and setting the timer on the stove and then snoozing in a chair until it went off and then out I would go again. how many more do you have to birth out yet, you are going to have the most beautiful fibre at your next shearing...survive...survive


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