Thursday, February 10, 2011


Matt shook me awake. Have to make some very STRONG coffee, drink two big mugs of it, pull some clothes on and get out to the barn. My clothes are covered with lamb goo - love the smell of it! Have to bottle feed Prince William and the little special needs twin whose mother banged him against the wire a few times. He's a little spastic (white muscle disease due to lack of selenium?) but is improving. Have to run around feeling insides of mouths to make sure they are warm, and squeeze bellies to see if they are nursing. And those purebred BFL ewe twins in their lavender sweaters! One is soooo tiny! Oh they are just the CUTEST little things in the whole wide world! The babies are jumping and playing. Thankfully Shavaun has one working nipple. Have to make sure the ewes who are doubled up are not getting on each other's nerves. Once in a while a lamb tries to nurse on the wrong teat and gets a little butt. I am almost half way through lambing. Am counting the days until Kimmie Cornerstone and her crew comes to take over. Oh, what I would give for just one more hour of sleep.

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