Wednesday, February 09, 2011

No Room at the Inn

Dragged my sorry butt in the door from work today to find two sets of twins and one single lamb, wandering around the barn with their mothers. I ran inside to get changed and get the doggies out, then went out to try and get them situated. All my pens are full. The ewe I found with twins this morning before work was quickly put in a pen with the sweet gentle ewe whose babies were almost stolen yesterday. Two of today's moms are also double up with moms. One of today's births include my purebred Bluefaced Leicester mom who had teeny-tiny little ewe twins. I put my last set of lavender sweaters on these tiny girls. I'm out of sweaters - a horror considering we are going down to zero tonight. I took some sweaters off babies that have full, fat bellies and are doing well, like Kate Middleton and Monkey's Spikey. I felt like such a heel doing it. I put them on one set of twins and you should have seen the mother's face when I gave her back her babies with those smelly sweaters on. No time to wash them. I know Kimmie Cornerstone is knitting more sweaters as fast as her little Dutch fingers can go. I'll have to come up with something quick, because as I write my lovely Lilly - Very Important Sheep - is in labor!! I think I have two more moms getting ready to go tonight. I'm bushed but have miles to go before I sleep tonight.

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