Tuesday, January 11, 2011


No, not the skinny red headed comedian - the hunky Barbarian on the steppes of Asia. Oh, Arnold, you were soooo pretty in those days! It's snowing hard out there. No lambs or kids yet. I think they are all going to come in one or two days and I will be begging Kimmie Cornerstone to come from Canada and move in with me to help get everyone sorted out. My pretty ewe prolapsed badly while I was at work today. Glad I had Shepherd Mary's Premier harness to put on her. I had pushed the uterus back inside a few times to no avail. Had to resort to the straps to hold her in. I had a heck of a time getting it to fit on her with all the wool acting like a big sponge. As of 10:30 tonight it is holding her in. I'm going to get some shut eye for a couple of hours before I have to get up and stoke the stove and do a barn check. AJ is stuck in Charlotte, NC, trying to get back from visiting Hannah and Luke in Dallas. Mia started another semester of clinicals, working with a family practice doctor in Succasunna, NJ, learning how to do everything from pediatrics to pap smears. She has to put in 135 hours with this doctor before the semester is over, while working full time at the hospital and going into Newark to school one day a week - all this with a wedding coming up in six weeks! I am hoping for a snow day tomorrow. If not, I will have another white knuckle drive to work. Don't want to worry about that now...nighty-night.


  1. Hi Maggie:

    Not for posting but my wife is stuck in Charlotte as well. After a crazy day at the airport (flight 1616 got canceled), she finally got a room at the Marriott but without her suitcases. What a mess, she is going to try again tomorrow. I hope that AJ and her both get out soon!

  2. Dab,

    Thanks for the comment. I am on Flight 1616 today, and I stayed at the Marriott last night! I hope your wife gets out okay. Take care,



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