Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Out early with the doggies to play in the snow. Only 6 inches or so here, but it's fluffy and wonderful as our snow usually is here in Central New York. Our solitude was interrupted by the local plow guy coming to do the mile-long meandering city-slicker driveway across the street. Great cash-cow for him. I stood with the doggies and watched for a few minutes. Plowing has got to be hard on a pick-up trucks transmission. Back inside to put the dogs in the apartment then go check on the sheep. All quiet on the eastern front (their end of the barn). My prolapsed ewe is standing up chewing her cud - a good sign in sheep - but looking a little stiff in her straps. I want to get Dr. Rachel over here to check her. The haybaletwine harness allows a lamb to slip through, but not this harness. Glad I have it. It was a bit of a surprise to come home from work to find a shiny red football sticking out her back. Not pleasant for her, either! Hope she lambs okay eventually. Talked to Priest-in-Training son, AJ, still stuck in Charlotte, but safe and comfy in a hotel. Glad he got his GI Bill to pay for this "vacation." He had a real nice time in Dallas with Eric and family and told me how nice the new house is, etc. I don't know when I will see it, with Mia's wedding and Md. Sheep and Wool coming a few weeks after the wedding. Jim Baldwin is shearing on April 9, then it's up to my elbows in wool preparation for me. Better hit the road - it will be slow going for me this morning. Matt is working from home today so I won't have to worry about lambs coming while I'm at work. TTFN!

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