Sunday, January 09, 2011

All Quiet

The barn is quiet except for the munching of hay and chewing of cud. I love to watch the sheep eat. It's been snowing all day and the sheep are locked in for the night, along with Chris and the goats. Thor, Finn and Knut are inside with the sheep. Thor and Finn like it fine but Knut gets antsy. We got some more leaky windows covered with plastic and Matt closed the back doors as much as possible. I didn't get much done today other than clean the stove - big job as I cook every night - and make some ham and bean soup. If I'm home and it's snowing I have to make soup. It warms the apartment and my innards. Between the stove and the wood stove it gets hot in the apartment. I have only to step into the bedroom or bathroom to get nicely chilled again. We are over-engineered for heat if necessary and when the temp goes to minus 20 F. it comes in handy. Hoping for a snow day tomorrow, but they haven't been too quick to close schools around here lately so I'm not counting on it. I have lots of wedding sewing to do and really need to start making soap again. I love to give it away and I surely did at Christmas.

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