Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sublime Sunday

How lovely and wonderful to not have to get up and rush somewhere. I woke up around 4 and rested on the sofa with the dogs and cats and my coffee. What luxury. I didn't take my hot bath until after 8. In an effort to not waste hot water, I had socks, undies and a hand spun skein floating around in the bubble bath with me. Thank you, Kim, for the organic bubble bath I found in the fabulous gift basket you brought me at Rhinebeck! I'm still finding little treasures in it. Speaking of treasures, I spent some time in the tractor shed going through the bins of fabric I brought here from New Jersey. I found some terrific chenille pieces I can use for linings, and some tapestry I forgot about. I also found some booties I can clean up for work, and some waterproof Timberlands I can use around the farm. I'm still unearthing llama, mohair and wool fleeces that will be wonderful once washed and carded. Back in the barn to get some housework done. I cut up six heads of cauliflower and four of broccoli from the farmer's market yesterday and steamed them in a big pot with onions, olive oil and lots of lemon curry, herb seasoning, veggie pepper and dill. I'll freeze the spicy concoction in bags for later use in soup. Many vitamins and minerals to get us through the winter. The pigs go to the unmentionable place on Nov. 8. Plenty of pork products to eat and share. I decided to put a pallet in the duck pen to keep their pretty feet out of the mud. They get their water so dirty jumping in with dirty feet. The hens are laying eggs in the new nest box - yes!! I'm afraid some of them are squeezing under the platform and sitting on eggs under it. I should have removed it before putting chickens in there. It used to be a "calf room" for the poor creatures who are taken away from their mothers so humans can take her milk. So goes the dairy industry. My Sunday is rushing away with record speed and not nearly as much done as I hoped. Hardly a dent. Gone are the days when I used to get through a good bit of the NY Times on the sofa in front of the fireplace. This is much more fun...


  1. Wow Maggie! You never stop!

  2. Glad you liked it :) You deserve so many treats for all the hard work you do!
    Have been happily spinning the AMAZING rambouliet wool you sent home with me -crimp is stunning!


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