Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Monday

At this time of the morning I feel like a meteor, hurtling through the universe, bouncing off asteroids and whizzing by planets, on no certain path. I have the news on, which is all political now with mid-term elections coming up. Gee-whiz, FDR couldn't pull America out of the Depression with all those alphabet soup New Deal programs but everyone thought Obama could. I knew better. One out of every seven people in the US are living below the poverty level, more than any time in history. I'm lucky I can do a few things to hustle a buck. Just like the Great Depression, poor people have to draw on any extra skill they can muster to survive. I still can't bring myself to eat lamb, but I've got lots of young hens getting ready to lay eggs this winter if I keep a light bulb on for them. I traded wool for another old, reliable sewing machine from Carolyn D'Agostino. Have to make a date with her to pick it up. Maryland Sheep and Wool comes early in the spring, the first weekend in May. BUT, in the meantime, I have MIA and ANDREW's WEDDING to look forward to. Just the thought of it brings a smile to my face. Hold on to that thought...


  1. No paypal, had some trouble with them a couple of times.

  2. Your pumpkin looks good.. It's all ready for the candle and for glowing in the night. I love jack-o-lanterns..
    I love your comment about Obama.. Goodness how could people get suckered into what he was saying. My daughter will be out of a job in June 2011 because the company she works for (Principal) is going out of the health business. She pays peoples claims for health insurance. They are laying off 1500 people.. Thanks but no thanks Obama ~ THAT kind of change we don't need..


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