Saturday, October 23, 2010

AJ Came and Went

AJ, my Army Chaplain son, came for an all-too-brief 24 hour visit. He met us in New Berlin for dinner at Frank's then we came back to the farm to watch the Yankees lose to the Texas Rangers. AJ is a life-long Yankee fan but he took it very well, chosing to go to bed and get some rest rather than see the game through to the painful end. It seems like yesterday that we were taking trains from Morristown to Yankee Stadium because I was afraid for him to do it with friends. When I found that it cost forty dollars and took forever, about four trains I think, I drove him instead. Now he is all grown up and building a future for himself. I'm so lucky that all three of my kids are, for the most part, secure in what they've chosen to do. I could die tomorrow and they would be just fine and happy (not that I'm planning any such thing.) What else could a mother want? The market was warm and lovely, contrary to dire weather reports and I was set up by ten. I met Susanne Farrington and we traded wool for cups I need for shaving mugs. Ron Wagner, the veggie guy across from me, had nice big bunches of broccoli for dirt cheap. The bunnies and I will enjoy it very much. I also got more cabbages, cauliflower and carrots for my 4-C soup (with chicken and lots of dill, salt and veggie pepper). AJ and Matt went to the Louis Gale mill and picked up my weekly feed, then came back to the market to relax and chat with folks. We packed up and ate lunch at the Hamilton Whole Foods before coming back to the farm. AJ had to get back to the seminary for evening services. I have "those pangs" again and am reminded of why I have my animals. I get so miserable and lonely for my kids and miss them horribly, even after all these years. I still can't believe we are all so far apart. People around here have several generations on one road, or in the same town, and are always having family gatherings and parties. They don't realize how lucky they are. Better make some strong coffee, spin some wool while Matt snores away on the sofa, let some kitties jump on my lap, and put on a movie or some absorbing documentary. Chore time will come soon and I'll be too busy to be sad.


  1. I read your blog on a regular basis and enjoy it so much.. SOmetimes as a blogger you wonder,"Is anyone reading what I wrote?".. It's so nice to see a comment when you go back to what you have written.
    I had 4 children and 3 of them lived out of state. My oldest died in a auto accident 15 years ago and he lived in South Carolina.. The next son moved to Barrington, Illinois, oldest girl lives in Big Rapid, Michigan and my youngest bless her heart lives 4 miles from me.. What a blessing that is to me. I know what you mean when you see whole families sitting in church together. They live within a mile of each other and they have family activities all the time. I miss that..and wish I had it for myself.. Thank goodness for my youngest.. She has a son, named Ben who I adore and take care of a lot. Something I never got to do with my other children's children because they lived so far from me. I cherish the time when my whole family is together..which is usually holidays..
    Have a great day~!~! I enjoy your blog so keep up the blogging ~!

  2. What a poignant and beautiful life it is that you share with us in each new writing. I wish AJ and your entire family only joy. Your verbiage is so well done - what a great American story unfolds here each evening.



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