Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Still Some Color

The weather turned warm and balmy today, but the hills are turning gray and green as the leaves fall. So glad I have some evergreens on the ridge. I let the sheep out to graze when I get home from work and took the dogs for a walk among the sheep. I had my yearly observation today, always stressful for me even after all these years. You never know how it's going to go. No matter how much I plan, I can't plan the kids response or behavior. They were absolutely terrific and my supervisor loved my lesson on writing a five paragraph essay (required on the GED and an awful hurdle for my kids). They didn't show their phones (although Robin says one kid did the side-long sneak out of the pocket to check for calls and put it back again). They kept the chew hidden deep in their cheeks and didn't get up to spit. I got some feedback from my prompting and they stayed focus all the way through This Day in History, the GED Most Misspelled Words of the Day, and used their graphic organizers we filled out the day before to write the essay entitled, Why CTE is Good for Me (Career and Technical Education). My supervisor said the class had a homey, comfortable feeling. So glad that's over for another year.

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