Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Piggies Take A Walk

I heard the dogs going nuts outside and thought I better take a look. There they were, poking around the field. Winken, Blinken and Nod had escaped their pig field and were wandering around the farm. Ordinarily I wouldn't mind, as the boys are not vicious and do not bother the other animals. I was worried they would go over to the Sister's flower beds and start digging, as piggies love to do. I didn't realize they had bigger ideas. To my horror, they started down the driveway to the road where Izzy and I cut them off and blocked the way to the road. Pigs are not easily persuaded to anything they don't want to do unless food is involved. I was reluctant to go back up the driveway and get a bucket of feed with them so close to the road. When I shooed them, they shot off in different directions. What to do????

1 comment:

  1. Pigs are so hard to round up..It takes more than one person to get them to go back in their pens.. When I lived in Ohio there was a farmer near us that all he had to do when his pigs were out was get a bucket of grain take it to where they were and let one get a whiff and they would follow him (all of them) back to where they needed to be. I thought this was amazing.


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