Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Piggies Take a Walk - Part 2

Izzy and I cut the piggies off at the road and got them turned around and pointed toward their pen which was all the way up the driveway at the back and side of the barn. Unfortunately the three boys would split and run hither and yon around Chris Kupris (neighbor and former owner) yard and back up toward the hill where the sheep were grazing. When we got them rounded up again the piggies started digging and eating the succulent roots and grasses along the driveway. Pigs LOVE to dig, and are often used for turning over fields before planting. I called Matt to tell him all three pigs were loose, and he said don't feed them and he would be home as quick as he could. Matt has a very good relationship with the boys, as he feeds them every morning and dotes over them. He said he could get them back in. As it was a lovely, warm evening I stayed at the end of the driveway with Izzy, guarding the pigs and preventing them from going into the road. The boys were tired from their adventures and digging up the lovely grasses. They laid their amazing bulk down on the grass for a rest. I confess I felt great affection for them as they rested, and wanted to sit down next to them and scratch their backs, but I was afraid they would jump up and run away at this strange human behavior. Some kitties tip-toed up and down the split rail fence that runs along the driveway, amused by the unusual goings-on this evening. Izzy took the opportunity to sniff places on the pigs that he would never be able to do safely if they were on their feet. Won't he have tall tales to tell the other dogs! Matt finally made it home from Syracuse and in his commanding, and slightly annoyed, way chased the piggies into their pen. I ran into the barn to get them a bucket of fitting, the sweet molasses soaked grains they love. Matt mixed their slop and gave them their night-night meal. The three BIG pigs were worn out and happy to be back in their lovely room in the barn where they have dug themselves quite a comfy bed in the packed manure and hay. Sweet dreams, Winken, Blinken and Nod.


  1. Glad you got them in their pens.. I love their names...

  2. How in the moment you were with your piggies!! Very sweet :)

  3. This is better than the Discovery Channel! I was truly on the edge of my seat hoping that the pigs wouldn't get past you and the dog. (OMG "piggies.....running hither and yon," how do you verbalize so well after such an exhausting day?) I was very glad that Matt got back in time (but still can't imagine how anyone can get 3 big pigs back into a barn).


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