Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We piled in the school van and took off for Stanton's pumpkin patch, just about two miles from the school. I had never been but Robin said it would be fine, and it was. There were still many pumpkins in a vast field, hidden by high weeds and grasses which made hunting for the pumpkins even more fun. All our students, all six of them, had a positive attitude and enjoyed themselves. We bought pumpkins for baking pies and found the Jack-o-Lantern pumpkins in the field. I picked some pretty dried botanicals for a fall wreath I want to make. Back to school to unload the pumpkins and put the kids on the bus home. We want to go on more trips, but have to figure out places to go that will only take two hours. I only have my GED class from 12 to 2. I drove home with that satisfied feeling that comes once every year or so. It lasted all the way home until I saw the piggies loose in the driveway. Looney tunes all over again. This time I got them in their field/pen with slop and feed but they ate a little and busted out again, pushing through the fence while lifting it up with their snouts. They only have a week and a half left to live and it looks like it will be an eventful time. I decided to let them roam while I let the sheep out to graze and hike up the hill with the doggies. From high on the hill I saw them running up and down the drive and rooting through plants and grasses. Good thing I don't have any fancy beds or a garden. Matt came home and managed to get them through the gate that leads to the inside of the barn. Maybe living with the sheep will keep them amused for the next few days. I don't think so but we can only live and hope. I had a lovely walk in this spectacular weather. What a gift.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like good time was had by all. including the piggies.


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