Tuesday, October 05, 2010

In for the Night

Matt wants to know why he can do chores in an hour and fifteen minutes while it takes me three hours. I guess that's why he's spending a week in a **** hotel all expenses paid while I go back to the landfill tomorrow. (That's what my vice-principal called my department). Interesting and it kind of stuck. Oh, and memo to self, never check my work email from home. It just seemed the right thing to do on this totally sucky night and it had the desired effect. I started walking around the dark cavernous barn wondering where that guy hanged himself years ago - what beam he might have used, is the rope still there, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm just not that type. I love life and always find things to make myself feel better - like ice cream, chocolate, movies on cable or a fresh raw fleece. My morbid curiosity was propelling me to explore the macabre. While I am on the down side - I tried to pick up Tommy Boy's back end to make him feel his legs and hopefully put some weight on them. He's got to be 200 pounds. No good. He just swung his three foot rack around and clocked me on the head. I'm still giving him Dexamethasone and all the food he can eat. I figure if I have to put him down I want him to die happy. He's so pretty. This totally sucks. I'm supposed to be making a crap load of stuff for Rhinebeck and I'm spending all my "free" time with the animals. I did get half a batch of Lavender done before/during chores tonight. I didn't have enough lye or lavender for a full batch, darn it. I still have enough energy to do something tonight but I think I might get a bowl of cabbage/cauliflower soup and call it a night. I might even read the NY Times I bought myself today in a weak moment. Don't know when I thought I would read it, but it felt good to buy it. PS - the soup was fantastic and I read a bit of the paper. Life is good.


  1. oooh, you wouldn't catch me snooping around the barn on a dark night looking for THE beam.
    I look forward to reading you every day. Hope you feel more up soon. Have a great day.

  2. This morning the busyness of life has caught up with me. I decided that today I'm going to take it easy and not do too much. Coffee is next to me tasting good and my favorite blogs are here just for the reading to make me feel good.
    I love your sheep.. The reason it takes you so much longer to do chores is because you talk with your animals and do the extra loving things for them.. Your hubby treats feeding them like a chore and he does what is needed to feed them, bed them and turn out the light. There's something magic about being in a barn with animals..
    Have a great day...

  3. Yesterday I saw some of your colourful roving 'bumps' at Kim's booth at our annual Campbellford Spin In and recognized them immediately from your blog.
    So sorry about your Billy goat :-(


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