Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Still Raining

So dreary and gray outside. Work is as always - baffling, demeaning and frustrating with bright spots of positive human interactions interspersed throughout the day. Then there are the negative human interactions and hurt feelings. I won't elaborate but suffice it to say I was happy to get home with my animals who are oh, so uncomplicated. I dropped off my beloved Singer to the guy in Norwich who fixed it last time, over a year ago. I asked him to please, please fix it right away and he said he would. The last time I used him I gave him three machines and he only fixed one properly - the one I brought back to him - but I haven't found anyone to replace him yet. Let's hope he gives me back a working machine. Several bags cut out I need to bring to Rhinebeck. I'm going out to do chores earlier while I have some daylight so I can get back inside and hunker down with movies and my many projects. Good to keep busy...

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