Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Starry Night

My friends the stars are back. I went to the Louis Gale feed mill on the way home from work. Funny how easy it is to tell them what I want, back the truck in and I have my feed. It's what to do with it when I get home that's the hard part. Took me a while to get eight 100 pound sacks off the truck and onto the milk room porch. Forget about hauling them up the stairs. That will have to wait until Matt gets home from Atlanta. At least I have what I need for the pigs, ducks and chickens, and some for poor old Tommy Boy who still can't move. As I think back on it he's had trouble walking for some time. I know he was stiff and achy all last winter. I'm weaning him off the steroids now. He's eating sweet feed, corn and hay, and I reposition him every day, but I know life is miserable for him. Have to make a decision soon. It took me from 5 to now, almost nine, to get chores done. Don't know where the time goes. The weather is much more pleasant and my friends, the stars, are back. The White Boys came right back from their run and got their dinner. I've got a dye pot of Kimmie Cornerstone's fabulous angora on the stove - Aztec Gold by Jacquard, a real pretty bronze color. With no milk room stove I have to dye inside the apartment where there is no washing machine to spin the fiber dry. I really miss it. I want to bring a run to Rhinebeck so I can give it to the mill to do for me. They can bring it to me next spring in Maryland, saving on shipping. Better give TB his shot and get him moved around a bit. In a perfect world we just find our livestock friends sleeping. Trouble is they rarely go that way. They linger and hold on, just like humans, and resist going over the Rainbow Bridge. Matt says we'll all be together again someday. I like to think so.


  1. Dan (formerly "annonymous")11:25 PM

    Very sad reading about the pig, I hope that the special feeding that you give him is bringing him some small pleasure (it is very sweet how you care so deeply for these animals). I have a camera and a microwave that I would like to UPS to you. Also, I had written a comment here a while back that I would be interested in knowing what models of steel sewing machines you need so I can find one and send it along to your farm. If you have any interest, please post your address here or email it to me at

  2. Ooops....was reading more about "Tommy Boy" during my lunch break and I see that he is your prized goat (not pig). I still can't get over how well written this blog is.... I searched for "Tommy Boy" and was rewarded with photos and articles. What a great peek you provide into farm life and a hard working family.


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