Friday, October 15, 2010


I have to decide if I want to keep this crazy life up. Job, farm, shows, it's too much. After four hours of packing and carrying stuff out to the truck in the cold rain I am a little frayed. Better take some Ibuprofen for my aching back, drink some coffee, change the kitty box, water the sheep and hit the road. I know all this will seem ridiculous after a fabulous weekend at NY Sheep and Wool, but now it is insane and ludicrous. I want to stay home with Izzy, my kitties and my sheep and clean up my house, wrap soap and spin some wool by the wood stove. Maybe on Christmas...


  1. Once you get there and settled it will be wonderful.. You will be glad you went.. The house will always be there..

  2. Lovely, lovely cat! I enjoy reading your blog. Don't think I could keep up with as much as you do. LOL. Good luck at Rhinebeck. Wish I could be there and visit your booth.

    My word verification was "catin." Now how appropriate is that!

  3. Hope you have a fantastic show at Rhinebeck. You put in an incredible amount of work, I really admire you. I've followed your blog since this summer and loved seeing all the goings on.

  4. The time does come when one has to make some harder decisions. Maybe just cut out a couple of shows? Are you still teaching? Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a while, and have lost track of what everyone is doing. But! I'm back in the US and working at a little farm for metally challenged adults as a life coach. And I'm back on line, figuring out what all my fibery friends are up to!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!