Friday, October 15, 2010

Cold Drizzle

The icy drizzle continues as I do some final loading. I'm leaving too much to do tonight as far as soap wrapping is concerned, and they will throw me out of my building at 10 PM, but there we are. It's time like this that the Pink Floyd song, Run Like Hell, comes to mind. I'll do what I can and trust that Kim gets there okay to help me. I'm packing fleece pants for sleeping in the truck, clean jeans and my best hand-knit sweaters. This awful weather won't allow for cutesy outfits to wear in my booth, and I can't seem to come with them anyway. What you see is what you get. I'm hoping the wind doesn't blow my trailer around too much. There are new tires on the truck but they wiggle, which makes me very nervous, due to some part that needs to be replaced. Story of my new tires but still need to spend more money to make it right. Matt is off to give his class their trailer weatherizing certification tests. Poor people - many of his clients are not equipped to learn this complicated energy curriculum that is filled with math and science. They are unemployed and undereducated, and the county agencies send them to Matt in hopes they will find employment in an economy with few or no jobs. But I can't worry about that now, I can only think about keeping a roof over my own head and my animals welfare. Out of cat food, and can't believe that Matt was in TS yesterday and didn't pick up a bag for me. Had to take time to make a big pot of oatmeal for the kitties, but I didn't mind eating some on this dark, cold, wet morning. There is the wind - the barn is starting to creak over my head. It will be awful going over the Rhinecliff Bridge. Oh, well, gotta deal! Better get going. I am bringing the nifty Canon camera I just opened, a gift from a loyal supporter and blog reader. I came home to find a fabulous new Kenmore microwave with a camera inside. I don't know "Dan" but he is an angel and I do so appreciate his kindness. For sure he will have a lifetime supply of soap if he gives me his address. Matt thinks I have an internet lover, which is really kind of funny at my age, and may come in useful sometime. Better hit the road...

1 comment:

  1. Life somedays are so challenging~1
    My car needs new brakes, rotars , put I have new tires...there is always something to spend your money on isn't there.


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