Monday, October 18, 2010

So Validated...

Back on the farm after a fabulous weekend at NY State Sheep and Wool. I'm happy to report the fiber/knitting universe is alive and well in our neck of the woods. Saturday was a dream - with booths full of happy patrons. After a miserable trip with driving rain and wind, and taking a wrong turn around Albany, Kim and Darryl met me Friday night to set up and took me back to the Ho-Jo's in Saugerties. I was planning to sleep in the truck but good company, a quality mattress and hot baths are infinitely better. The sun and the crowds came out on Saturday and for the whole day my world was a beautiful place. Everything I make was validated in some way. So many fans and repeat customers came by to say hello or pick up hand cream. I heard things like, Thank Goodness you are here - I'm running out of creme! Susanne's shaving mugs went steadily and so did the roving I prepared this fall. I was especially gratified by the sale of my wool, with so many gorgeous, stunning offerings of roving and yarn everywhere you turned. Most of the Bundaflicka Bags sold on Saturday, with a few left over for Sunday visitors. I'm anxious to get back on the sewing machine. Kimmie Cornerstone's Mei-Mei knitting needles flew out of the booth along with her spindle kits. Henya Chicken Stitches and her family came to visit from Brooklyn and I was able to meet her new baby, Rochel, Eli,her husband and daughter Rivka. She presented me with a lovely stitch marker pendant and earrings. I'm very happy we had the opportunity to meet in person before she emigrates to Israel with her family. Off to work now in the dark and cold. Would love to rest on the farm today but duty calls. More show details later. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I felt like loving arms were around me all weekend.

1 comment:

  1. What an answered prayer. I was praying for you all week-end.. You made it safely there and back.. I was worried when I heard you were going to sleep in the truck.. There is nothing like a warm bed and a hot shower to soothe one when traveling.
    Glad the show was successful~!


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