Thursday, October 14, 2010

Midnight Madness

Let's see, I could stay up 'til dawn wrapping soap, or do I need some sleep? I put the finishing touches on six bags tonight - buttons, cedar shim inserts, snap frames, etc. I do have some lovely things to take, but since I make everything there are always things to be done to make them sale-ready. The old joke about the UPS truck bringing my booth to the show comes to mind. I have so much product the tables will be sagging, but the trick is to display it in an appealing way. I would like to cut little square of fabric with a pinking shear to put under the jar candle tops but it might have to wait until I get there. The trailer is loaded but with the rain I am waiting until morning to take some things out. There is an icy drizzle coming down now, the kind that makes you shudder and pull your coat tight around your neck. I checked on the sheep, all are cozy in the barn. It gives me satisfaction to give them that protection from the elements. I tell them you are the reason I am working so hard. They don't reply, they just keep chewing their cud and contemplating who-knows-what. Long, hard winter ahead I think. My Rhinebeck earnings will keep them alive through the cold and darkness. Time for tea and bed. Nighty-night.

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