Friday, October 22, 2010

A Snowy Drive to Work

Yes, we have snow in upstate New York. Time for everyone to get the snow tires on, drive slowly and leave earlier. I go through two cell phone dead zones on my commute over twisty, hilly roads where you don't want to slide off the edge. There is no passing for about 15 miles, from New Berlin to Norwich. If I get behind a milk truck I might as well sit back and enjoy the view. Sometimes it's a blessing because it prevents me from going to fast in bad conditions. It's Friday, AJ is on the way, the sheep are grazing on the hill. Life is good for now...


  1. HOLY cowq!! Have a wonderful weekend with AJ!!!!

  2. We are picturing you in front of the wood stove, sipping a cup of chamomile with some honey. Hope you get to relax a bit with AJ! Please let him know that Luke says "Hi" and we need his mailing address.

  3. Please be careful! I still remember learning to drive in the snow in upstate. We got our car on December 31st.


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