Thursday, April 08, 2010

Shipping Fever

AJ arrived Monday night for a brief but lovely visit. He helped me take care of everybody, including slinging those heavy bales and giving Billy Goat his bottle. I stayed home on Tuesday and we set out for Hamilton and the Whole Foods store for lunch. I had not seen my friend, Candace, for several months. She works at Hamilton Whole Foods and we were able to chat for a while. After a blissful hour wandering around the Colgate Book Store we drove home via a new route and found ourselves in front of Mary's farm. We visited with her for a while and had a tour of the garden, which has spinach and collards already coming up. AJ met Mary's horses, sheep and dogs and we went home with some of her delicious eggs. More chores then out for pizza and eggplant at Franks in New Berlin. What a food fest! I went back to work on Wednesday and left AJ home to tend to doggies and the other critters. Rushed home to get him to the train in Utica and he was gone back to the city. He was to be picked up at the seminary today to go to Annapolis and D.C. with friends. Back to reality for me, with a trip to the UPS store after work. I boxed up and shipped 83 pounds of fiber to the carding mill to be delivered to me in Maryland. I was worried about the shipping bill, but 83 pounds cost about what I will get for 3 pounds when sold. That is, if people like it and want to buy it. Together with the Lipstick run that went out last week, Pacifica and Canary total well over 100 pounds. I found about 25 of natural colored mixed with dyed fibers in the Rhinebeck trailer that I will bring to Maryland with me. I think I'll be okay for a while. One more run is on the works. I call it Jubilee. It's orangey/red with yellow and maybe another color I haven't decided on yet. I'm covered with pinks, purples, blues and greens. Lots of bags cut out, soap in progress, but have to order shaving brushes and photo card inserts. Moo Cards is having a sale, and I would LOVE to order some to hang on my bags, but they are SO expensive. All together I think I will have enough product for two Maryland Sheep and Wool Shows. Just have to make sure I get enough sleep and stay away from sick people. I'm feeling a bit queezy today after losing sleep with a nauseous headache. I have a sick student and a teacher I played basketball with yesterday went home sick. I CANNOT get sick. I won't, I won't!


  1. Take Care of yourself Maggie - I hope you get a lot of good sleep in this weekend. Your roving sounds fabulous!

  2. I love the colors of the fiber, they are so "alive".


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