Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cold Again

Took the doggies for a walk in the cold, cloudy morning air. Bits of snow here and there on the hillside. Very refreshing. By the time I got back I was wanting scrambled eggs and my hens cooperated. Very gratifying to take them still warm from under the hens (who are not so happy about being robbed). Only found three in the nest boxes but checked a feed pan I put on top of a rabbit cage and sure enough, found another three. Enough for a good size pan of eggs. I found three baby kittens in the hay mow last night, in the hay by the grain room door. Worried they would fall down the ladder hole, I made a nest of wool in a feed pan and put them in it. Climbed up this morning and they were gone. Either the mother was unhappy with the aromatic raw wool mattress, or the chickens ate them. Chickens will eat whatever juicy protein they can find. Baby snakes don't have a chance around here. Not that I need more cats but I wouldn't want them to suffer that fate. Have to get to Louis Gale feed mill this morning, then come back and get to work. I'll take the Lemongrass soap off the rack for wrapping and replace it with Patchouli. Won't I enjoy cutting that up - love that oil. On deck for this short weekend - make a batch of Almond and Clove soap, sew Bundaflicka bags, wrap Lemongrass. Too much fun.

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