Monday, April 05, 2010


AJ is coming to visit for tomorrow and Wednesday. He as a week's break from the seminary and will be travelling to Washington DC to visit friends after he spends time with me on the farm. I haven't seen him since Christmas and who knows where the Army will send him next year after he is ordained. Army Chaplains are sorely needed overseas and stateside. Have to wait and see. Got some good news today. Robin was waiting for me in our classroom, shaking with excitement. Our first student to test passed the GED and got his high school diploma in the mail. We're thrilled for him and feel like we must be doing something right. Our next student is testing this week. Fingers crossed. Lots of wool dyeing, soapmaking and sewing here. I'm tired but focused and working hard. Big shows are a way to get back all the money I put into raising these sheep, forget about the time factor. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this but I want to make the best of it while I can.


  1. Enjoy the visit :) Way to go for oyu and your student -that is so huge for them!!!!!
    And I LOVE the colour of the wool.
    Counting down the days till Maryland

  2. Enjoy the visit :) Way to go for oyu and your student -that is so huge for them!!!!!
    And I LOVE the colour of the wool.
    Counting down the days till Maryland

  3. What a gorgeous color of purple! Thank your son for his service (mine serves too) and enjoy his visit. Good luck to him, although Army and Navy Chaplains do different things, there are also similarities... my husband served as one for 20 years. A good job, a great calling.

  4. Oh, where will you be at MDSW? I will visit... always nice to put a face to a blog! ; )

  5. Way to go! Congrats! I should give you the phone number so you can check and might even know before the kids get the notice in the mail. Fun stuff.


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