Saturday, April 24, 2010

On Deck

Let's sort this out. On deck for today - or, fantasties are free!

Walk doggies across fields - done. Cut out two new bags - done. Eat rye crisp, drink two giant mugs of coffee - done. Water and feed new chicks in bathroom.
Sling bales, fill water tanks with hose, feed chickens and cats, water rabbits.
Carry water to the boys in back of the barn.
Clean out back seat in truck cab to put feed sacks - rain is coming and I don't know if I can get four 100 pound bags up the milk room steps.
Make myself presentable enough to go to the Louis Gale Feed Mill in Waterville, remembering to bring Teresa her Patchouli soap and creme.
Stop at PO first as it closes at 11, mail Mongold Spindle to Canada.
Bring Mary her 100 pound bag of egg layer, pick up eggs in return.
Come back, take doggies out, check on critters, drink more coffee.
Sew Celestial Moon bags cut out this morning, finish Circle Chenille bags from last night, cut wood inserts for several other bags remaining unfinished.
Let sheep out to graze, feed rabbits while sheep are out for safety sake.
Eat leftover chicken with spring greens for dinner, cut fresh pineapple for desert.
Feed and water goats and boys in back of barn.
Mix doggie kibble and feed the White Boys.
Sew, sew, sew.
Barn check. Sew some more. Maybe wrap soap.

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