Friday, April 23, 2010

Baby Chicks

Is there anything cuter? And look at those tiny little Rhode Island Red wings! There are 8 RRR's, 8 Comets and 8 Leghorns. Not exactly ornamental birds, but good hardy layers. Holly is totally enthralled, but the babies are terrified of her big, black nose. Little do they know that Holly will defend their tiny lives against all threats. I got them situated first after coming home from too many stops. Lowes for lye (yes, they sell 100% sodium hydroxide - a tip from my science teacher friend) where I also found some cute rectangular galvanized tubs to hold my big shaving soap blocks. Off to Wal-Mart to do some basic shopping for pet food and Maggie food. I treated myself royally tonight, with a roaster chicken and spring greens. I even bought a lovely fresh pineapple, from Costa Rica, for a whopping $2, and more Starbucks French Roast to get me through the weekend. Off to the Solstice Hippie Shoppe, where they did NOT have the grapefruit seed extract I need for my creme, but I did score some Organic Nighty-Night tea with chamomile, passion flower and catnip to put me to sleep (as if I need any help - I am exhausted but what else is new?) Off to Hayes Office Supply for my creme and soy wax candle labels then off to Country Max to pick up the chicks. Off to the vet for kitty eye goo medicine, where I overheard interesting conversations in the back like the cow she had to wade into a swamp to treat, etc. Love those country vets! I had the good sense to put the chicken in the oven when I got home, thinking I would smell it and the aroma would spur me on through chores and make me work faster. Kinda worked but I had to turn the oven off as it took me almost three hours to let sheep out, unload, set up the chicks, get the watering and feeding done, feed myself, get sheep back in, mix dog meals, yada, yada, yada. Ten PM now go to work on Maryland stuff. Nighty-Night can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. The chicks are so cute!! I do not know how you find the energy for all you have to do!!


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