Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blue Tag

Blue Tag is Lilly's mother and my oldest living sheep. She is around 13 or so, ancient in the sheep world. Blue Tag is one of my four founding ewes from Lisa Rodenfel's farm in Ohio, a Romney/Bluefaced Leicester cross. She has a real name, but her tag, long fallen off, was blue so she became Blue Tag along the way. When I talked to Matt about her I would say, you know, the one with the blue tag. That's how names start I guess. She had a bum leg for a while, which I treated with Bute several years ago and she's been sound ever since. I got this rare shot with three generations of sheep - Blue Tag, Lilly and Luna. Three VIS - Very Important Sheep. Blue Tag is withering away, like an old lady. Her ears don't stand up anymore. I hope to find her sleeping one day, rather than see her go down. She gave me some lovely lambs, including my gorgeous Lilly. Blue Tag will be sorely missed.

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