Friday, April 23, 2010

Designing Buttons

Beautiful bags deserve buttons worthy of them. I spent some time cutting out buttons this morning, after chores and pinning together bag parts for later sewing. Now I know why this Fimo clay was on sale. It's normally very expensive, but Michaels had it marked down. It had partially hardened on the shelf and took quite a bit of squeezing and mashing to make it workable. I love making buttons, and they are so well received by the bag people. Little do they know how easy it is to make these buttons with the lovely colors available. I'm off to Country Max in Norwich to pick up my chicks. I don't need to be worrying about raising baby chicks right now, but they were a gift from a co-worker who realized he would be in Florida when they came in. Hard to resist $50 worth of little hens who will someday pump out those fantastic eggs I can never get enough of. I found myself rolling down my sleeves and stealing eggs from under angry hens for my breakfast this morning. The cupboard is truly bare. I'll have to set up a brooder and keep them in the bathroom, the safest and warmest room in this old barn. Too much to do and Matt is not due home until next Wednesday. After his presentation on "Training Excellence" at the fancy energy conference in Austin tomorrow morning, he is going camping in west Texas somewhere. He wants to reconnect with nature and meditate. God Bless! I could really use a hand around here, but he's truly in his element in his new career in weatherization. It's hard to argue when his eyes well up with tears and he talks about little old ladies freezing in their trailers in upstate New York. I think (to myself) what about this little old lady and her farm????? I'll just have to make do and wear it out.

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