Friday, April 23, 2010


My incredibly capable and fabulous daughter Mia took time for her busy schedule to visit me. She brought her positive attitude and massive energy with her. We got one more 33 pound run of fiber shipped to the mill, had another sheep photo contest entry printed, took it to the framer for matting, wrapped soap, packed fiber samplers, did chores together and managed to get out to two lunches in 24 hours! Girls gotta do lunch! The doggies are very happy as Mia will drop everything and run them straight up the hill to the pond several times a day. She is training for a 6K run next month. Climbing ladders and slinging bales is about it for me. We made wedding plans and I got to see THE RING for the first time. Yes, flawless diamonds do have more brightness and clarity! Mia says she gets more compliments on her Red Dot Bundaflicka Bag but I don't believe it! The weather this week has been gorgeous. I've got so many things going I'm busier than a one-armed wall-paper hanger. Please tell me it will all come together because it is utter chaos right now.


  1. It will alllll come together - and your booth will be overflowing with fabulousness!

  2. It will all come together :)


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