Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blustery and Cold Sunday Morning Musings

I love this weather. No flies, no sweat, and I feel alright about staying inside and working. It's tough to make soap without a sink or stove, and my sewing machine has to stay put. Thought I would put some ideas down before I get totally involved with the day's plans. I'm going to get in the bath for a while and cover my face with a warm wash cloth. While climbing the ladder to the hay mow with kitty food, a scuffle of cats caused one to fall down the hole. The frightened kitty decided to hold on to my face. I think the bleeding has finally stopped. I've managed to get to work relatively unscathed the last four years of my farming adventure. I guess it's about time for a battle scar, but it has nothing to do with sheep. Two totes on the machine and another on the cutting table. I MUST STOP cutting out such BIG bags. I think it reflects my worries. When I'm anxious about things I want bags to put my worries in - button the clasp and they're secure. Trouble is, most women aren't big or tall or strong enough to carry big totes full of stuff. Once a year I make a real Mega-Tote, I mean giant size tote, and it always sells within the show season. If I have a fabric that I'm tired of, or have yards and yards of, and the kitchen table is cleaned off, I'll cut out a Mega Tote. The sewing goes on forever, with all those long seams. I use them to pack up all the smaller totes when closing down the booth. I don't have any giant totes for Maryland, but many of them are large. I got Patchouli cut out and on the rack yesterday, and a batch of Almond made and setting right now. On deck for today - Clove Bud and sewing, with wrapping in between. Two fleeces are in front of the washing machine to pick, wash, dye and rinse. I'm making an orangey-red batch called Jubilee, don't ask me why the name just came to me in a trance (which is my normal method of operating these days). There isn't a minute to waste, with 18 days to go. Matt got a new tire on my cargo trailer yesterday. I blew a tire on the way home from Fingerlakes last September, and foolishly dragged it to the rest area. All the gorry details are documented on a previous post somewhere, lost to follow-up. One reason why I have to go a day early is to deal with any emergencies on the road and get myself and my goods to Maryland. A friend in the opposite booth at Rhinebeck broke down coming from New Hampshire last year and had to transfer all her things to a rented UHaul on the high way. Triple A won't rescue cargo vehicles, another reason why a mini-van is a good idea, but it won't hold all my Maryland booth. I don't even want to think about it...better get busy. One good thing about getting so much product made is that I will have it for the Hamilton Farmer's Market which starts the week after Maryland. I'm looking forward to seeing my market friends, in good weather that is. A rainy market is miserable. On that damp note I'm saying Ciao for Now!

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