Sunday, April 11, 2010

Skills for a Lifetime

I'm sewing with my students. There is a Life Skills component to our GED curriculum that I'm supposed to address, and sewing is a valuable life skill. I figure if my girls know how to sew, and can put together a good hand bag, their babies will never go hungry. An aide upstairs sold me an old White machine that was sitting in her front hall for years and years. She even took $20 worth of Shepherd's Creme for payment. Robin negotiated the deal and we are in business. It's a heavy metal machine, not like the current plastic CRAP they are making sewing machines out of now, and will sew through many layers. Problem is, the bobbin casing does not fit in the hole securely and tends to pop out on the floor when we start sewing. Very frustrating. Someday I'll get it fixed. In the meantime, there are three new Bundaflicka Totes walking around the school. One will be a diaper bag for a baby expected May 30. The new mom made the pockets just deep enough for a baby bottle.

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