Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Thomas Hardy Setting

After school I worked on a bag order. It's adorable - a little bag, about 14 x 14 inches. A miniature Bundaflicka bag. I hope the lady likes it. One more on deck, a regular sized bag for another lady who needs long straps. I have lavender soap to cut and put out to cure. It's wonderfully perfect. I took the doggies outside again and decided to tie them up while I let the sheep out. I sat down in a chair that was out there and watched them graze. A nice breeze blew the tips of the grass making waves across the hill. The birch trees, which look more like aspens to me, shimmered in the sunlight. It was all so surreal, and since I was tired, I went into dream mode. Sometimes I think it should be a perfect fairy tale, which it is certainly not, but this comes darn close. I look at this sheep which might be a little thin, or this one who is limping, and this one who needs a coat or her black fleece will sunburn, and all this goes through my mind along with the big problems I still face, but when all is said and done I'm in heaven! I walk up higher on the hill and take it all in. I think of what Henya's little son said when they took him from the country to move to Brooklyn, "I want to go back to America!" It's grand!


  1. I still want to go back to America, even if America is Lowville. People there are very nice.

  2. I still want to go back to America, even if America is Lowville. People there are very nice.


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