Wednesday, May 20, 2009

High 80's???

I knew it had to happen. High 80's, maybe 90's today. From 28 to 90. That's Central New York for you. My sheep will not be happy. It just doesn't look right when a sheep pants. Have to get Jim Baldwin back to shear one of my Merino boys. He is completely wool blind and won't let me get near him. Since he is as big as a pony with a head like an anvil I think Jim will be the only one to handle him. Jim is almost 7 feet tall with a size 15 shoe. Oh, that Merino is heavenly, even with the short staple. I think it would take two years to grow it 4 inches, a nice length for the mill. These Merinos are rescues and all I know is that they are "mature" meaning OLD. My lavender soap made Sunday came out so nice. Nice and hard, ready to cut, and the aroma is heavenly. Good weather forecast for this weekend, thankfully. A hen jumped off her nest with a newly hatched chick. I found one more up high in the nest box, not knowing what to do with no mommy. I put it down on the hay, she let out a big CHEEP and mom came running. What to do with the other eggs??? They were still warm. I put them in the convenient oven, my sports bra. After chores, which took me until 10 PM, I brought them inside and tried to find a light bulb to put them under. All my bulbs are the new energy bulbs that don't make a lot of heat!! I searched and searched and finally put them on some wool in a little pot under the energy efficient bulb and went to bed. Sadly, they are cold this morning. I know I have enough chicks, but every life is precious. Better get a little incubator to have on hand...

1 comment:

  1. I just love starting my day with your blog. Can we see a pic of your wonderfull merino? Glad you liked my markers.


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