Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Matt Has All the Fun

Matt just got back from an energy conference at Lake Placid. He ate dinner with a member of the 1980 USA Hockey Team which beat the Russians, Dave Silk. He scored two goals against the Ruskies. A surround theatre showed a film of the game while they ate dinner on the floor of the rink where the historic game was played. Matt gave me a tee shirt signed by Dave Silk and a hockey puck! It's very meaningful to me because I was lying in a hospital bed that night, very sad because they took away my tiny little Twin B, Aaron Joshua (AJ), out of my arms, and whisked him away to another hospital, St. Joseph's in Patterson. I did not think I would see him alive again. Just as the US Hockey Team rallied to beat the Russians, AJ rallied to beat the Respiratory Distress Syndrome he was born with. Now he is as healthy and strong as a horse, and never gets sick! Anyway, Matt's conference was very successful and Dave Silk thanked the group for helping so many poor people keep warm in the cold winter. He said they won the Olympic Gold Medal, but the weatherization people win gold medals every day with the services they provide and the energy they save.


  1. This is so cool.

  2. Thats awesome!! Glad to hear Matt had a good conference.



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