Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quentin's Hoodie

Libby Llop, the nationally ranked 100 mile endurance rider/shepherd friend of mine from the Fingerlakes guild, spun and knitted this terrific hoodie sweater for her handsome husband, Quentin (seated). I asked her to make up a kit for me to take to Maryland. My secret (not any more) plan is to put it in an inconspicuous spot so no one will see it and I will buy it. The sweater has an optional pocket pouch you can sew onto the front making it great for taking a walk in cold weather, or carrying your hoof clippers around the barn. I wish Libby would come to Maryland with us, but I know she is elbows deep in lambing right now, and expects the babies to keep dropping through to June.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a wonderful looking sweater!! If only I knew how to knit better :)
    HUGs to all
    Kim and crew


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