Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rain on the Way

Poor Fargo North Dakota...they are about to float away. I've related my flood stories on previously posts. Not fun. And it's still snowing out there. Raining here now. I got home and got the doggies out just in time. If need be they can pee on the hay in the barn, but I try to get them outside. I made my weekly trip to the PO after school. It's six miles out of the way, and when I'm rushing home to animals that's a lot of time. I got a beautiful bag made last night, and will start putting together another one now. Have to take some pictures with the school camera, then take it back to school for downloading on a Mac - then I can post pictures. I had an idea - I will send Mia my little Canon to give to my old camera store in Morristown for fixing. I think I ruined it by carrying it in my sports bra, in the Cradle of Civilization. I bet my body heat did something to it. It cost a lot of money and I think I should get an estimate on repairing it. I just put a pot of leftover pea soup on the stove - how wonderful to have a pot of homemade anything ready to go on a cold, gray day like this. Work has gone so well the last couple of weeks I'm afraid to relax about it. I'm still baking every other day or so with a couple of my students and it's just so much fun. We had a bit of a glitch today when I didn't have a frying pan to make pancakes and didn't want to go hunting for one. We decided to use a cookie sheet and it burned and smoked like crazy. We usually fill the wing with delicious aromas of cookies and cakes, not the burned butter and batter of pancakes. Wouldn't you know the boys poured the marvelous local maple syrup over the burned ones and gobbled them down anyway.

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