Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mia Is Back

Had a nice chat with Mia about her visit to California. I wanted to hear all about Hannah and Luke and what they are up to. She told me all the news and promised to send me some pictures. Seeing my grandchildren only twice a year is tantamount to torture. I downloaded Skype to talk to them online but have to buy the camera so I can see their faces. I'll dangle kittens in front of the camera to make them beg their parents to let them fly to Omi's farm. Mia noticed a couple of bags I gave to Annie. Mia had not seen them and asked me if I still had that fabric. Mia is my barometer of what is cool or not cool. She was particularly taken by the Bird on a Branch Messenger Bag and the recent Orange Tropical Bag I made with Carol Crayonbox's fabric. I told her that I had both fabrics and would happily make her a bag. She wants a messenger bag out of the Orange. I made three Bird Bags last year, when I got the news about Maryland a week before the show. I knocked myself out to make them and didn't sell a single one!!! Go figure!!! Sold a lot of other bags, though. I thought those Bird Bags were the cat's meow. I gave one to Jan for helping me that weekend. I gave Annie one for Mother's Day, then sold one to a woman at the Farmer's Market who acted like it was love at first sight when she saw it. I have enough to make several more, but will probably just make Mia's. Carol finds such fabulous fabric for me now, and it's fun to sew on new fabric. Better get some shut eye. Have to out and find Bodie and Jackie, who did not follow me in after our nighty-night walk. I worry about them getting cold or confused. They could always bed down on the wool I leave out for the kitties, but I need Bodie at the foot of my bed to keep my feet warm.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Maggie, I love the new look of your blog. I love the bags too. I hope you still have some left by Sunday. I really want to buy at least one.


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