Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Zero Tonight

Cold tonight but tomorrow will bring a reprieve with temps in the 40's they say. Have two pots of dyed fiber on the dye stove in the milk room that need to be dumped. Matt did all the chores the last two nights with me trying to get this muscle pull healed. Didn't have the heart to ask him to do my dye work too. Don't think the alpaca in one and wool in the other will be harmed by soaking in dye for three days. The color might even be better. I took a chance and left a table full of dyed wool on the kitchen table to dry on a sheet while I went to work. I have a back log of wet fiber waiting to be laid out to dry. Wouldn't you know the whole business was on the kitchen floor when I got home. I lined up the dogs and cats and interrogated them but no confessions. I bet someone took a leap up on the table and everything slid off. OH, WELL. Hope the dog hair comes out when it's carded. I had a felter tell me my fiber was a bit hairy once. I didn't understand at first then I realized she meant a fiber other than the wool, angora, mohair or alpaca. I'm leaving mohair out of the four new runs. Don't have any shorn and I fear it will be too coarse. I subbed alpaca instead. I'll do a coarse mohair run over the summer - good for warps, rugs, or sock yarns. School was okay today, always some kind of drama with the population I work with.

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