Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday or Crash Wednesday?

I did not see a single ash on a forehead today. In New Jersey the ashy foreheads were everywhere. Very interesting...we are indeed in a predominantly Protestant area. I was explaining to a student today that the word "protestant" comes from the time when Martin Luther and others were protesting against the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. He looked surprised and delighted as he could relate to anything having to do with protest. That was the high point of an otherwise difficult day. I don't feel comfortable discussing particulars of what goes on in school but suffice it to say this week just gets weirder and weirder. A few of us teachers got together in one classroom after school to share events of the day and just laughed so hard we cried. What else can you do? It was a great stress reliever. I didn't feel like stopping for groceries after work so I ordered some take out from the teacher's buffet. You check what you want, they pack it up for you, and you pick it up as you leave for the day. I checked tuna melt, veggies, etc. and went back to work for the afternoon. Wouldn't you know with all the excitement of the day I forgot to pick it up. I got two miles away, stopped and drove back to school, parked and went in to get my food. No food. They had run out and couldn't fill anyone's orders. Oh, joy. Pancakes for dinner!!

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